

sins. sin is like a toxic that u ingested and run through you vein. for the 1st time, it will be metabolized in liver, helped by the antidote that u had taken. you become clean again. but, sin is an addiction, that you wont easily let go once u tried. soon, the sins are toxic that accumulated in the liver that it cant compensate any longer. these will then run through the vein, darken it, change its composition, and will gush to heart. from heart, the toxic blood will be distributed to the whole body system, destroying them time by time. sins will block our ears to hear good things, attract your eyes to the haram thing, articulate your tongue to tell lie, wash out the sensitivity from your heart, and lose your humanity. at the end, you're nothing but a dead soul within a living body.

sins. sins like drugs, once u tried, u want some more. thus, sins are something that are tended to be repeated, till soon, sins seem to be nice, sins make bad things become entertaining, make hell a paradise, and your heart already accepts sins as the costume that u wear.  emm, to that point, to return back to the beginning, to bug out from the depth of the past mistakes, is already not a piece of cake. your heart died, became hard and very difficult to be penetrated by any advice given, guidance shown. you once already lost, and then you'll again lost. what a pity is that you dont realize that.but, i didnt say  sinners dont have a chance, Allah is the Most Forgiven by the way. it is just that damn hard to realize that we have to repent when sins already blended very well with the blood gushing to the every projection within our body.

sins. sins are for sinners. sinners are the human. is not easy to let go sins, but what else choice we do have, if we really believe that soon, every single deed will be counted, and we dont want the sins we made will drag us to the hell. and you know what? living in a hell is obviously hell.



  1. fuh!berpeluh baca....bagus2

  2. Assalamua'laykum,
    it was a nice write and also I like the analogy of sins which can give bad effect for human physiology. are you studying human biology or something in medical??

    well, nice to meet your blog here.. salam perkenalan :)

  3. @ shiva devy...saya stadi medicine..tengs sudi baca blog nih..

  4. Oh, atikullah ismail student in school of medicine? so you'll become a doctor..
    Where is your University? Eem.. from your language I guess you are from Malaysia, aren't you? Well, nice to know you, I'm from Indonesia

    I'm sorry for a lot question, up to you to answer or not :D

  5. @shiva devy..yeah i'm from malaysia, but now studying in, u're an indonesian?

  6. yes, I'm Indonesian, living in Jakarta.
    visit back to my blog ya.. but maybe some words you can't understand hee and let's makes friendship, Islamic and Asean friendship, wow sounds cool isn't it?


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