memory lane

 Sometimes, we really want to go back to our past live. as for me, it was the time when in was in medical school in Volgograd, Russia.

I think that was the most enjoyable period of life to be cherished.

I want to go back to appreciate every moment spent, to do more, to travel more, to explore more, to talk and socialize more with peoples around me. And if there is one thing I regretted  the most, it was the chance to capture all these memories into pictures to be kept and cherished today. At times when we are tired of everything, those captured memories can ease the burden a bit, to put a smile on our face, and it felt like the old me pat on the back and say ' it's ok buddy, everything gonna be good'

in this period of life as an adult, we are totally need to adapt, to adjust everything accordingly. We had responsibilities on shoulder, expectations need to be fulfilled, and money to be earned.

ok whatever. let's meet the life ahead us.


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