their legs has been dragged along the path.
but neither to curse nor judge.
just to ignite, to show the light.
and to lead in the darkest night.

they taught to be like a kite,
even to the north, to the south fly high,
but still to the string stays tight,
and not to be lied by the might.

the moon and the sun already realized,
that they already have ambushed a start,
that they have chosen to depart.
before the body and soul are broken apart.

at least they tried.


  1. Yeah, at least there's an effort. :)

    Btw, dah lama tak singgah blog ni. Apa khabar? :)

  2. apa maksud " not to be lied by the might"??

  3. is it sumting to do wif arab country?

  4. @cinta madu: hohoho..almhdulillah blog ini sehat seadanya
    @anonymous: entahlah. pnfsiran atas individu. might means kekuatan. di sini saya mksudkan kekuatan jahat yg menarik the kite..huhuhu
    @inikipassya: choral speaking payo weh..tukar lah nok..

  5. boleh kongsi inspirasi anda untuk menulis sajak ini?
    "their legs has been dragged along the path"---> kenapa "dragged" dorang x suka eh path tu?

  6. @anonymous: buleh2..pi puisi sayo nih ngak apo2 spesel pum..
    bagi saya, "dragged" means duk tarikh somthing heavy, bkn mksud x suka, tapi the path is too 2 lah lbih kurang..

    lagipun..sajok ini hentam sajo..huhuhu


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